Immortal DNA strand hypothesis. I've scanned the article twice, because it was too boring and scientific for me to actually read, and I still have no clue. And I don't care. Articles related to science and math are on my shit list. I cheated my way through all of my high school math and chemistry classes. This was fairly easy because my math teachers were pretty burnt out and my chemistry teacher, well, she had been around long enough that she taught my mom science 20 some years prior in the local segregationist academy. I feel okay discussing this because I've never heard of a high school revoking your high school diploma for publicly saying you cheated (because that's a lot of diplomas to revoke and ultimately a reflection on the school system) and some colleges will. Even if my high school revoked my high school diploma, well, fuck them, it was a shitty education anyways and I've got a bachelor's degree that I really did not work hard for. I minored in library avoidance techniques. I guess my collegiate Alma mater will at this point remain unidentified since I just kind of bad mouthed them and they've got the Cap City locked down tight on bad mouthing.
What I do know about a topic not really related to immortal DNA strand hypothesis is that modern science and technology are really messing up the laws of natural selection. I could be totally wrong here, since I didn't pay much attention in science, but I think one of those tenants is that the strong survive and the weak do not. Over a period of time, like hundreds and thousands of years of evolution (because I don't believe in creationism) those weak genes are supposedly bred out of the human race. Like I said, feel free to correct me because if this isn't correct, it certainly feels like it is in my brain.
A prime example of this would be all of the media drama every summer over how hot it gets and please check on your elderly neighbors and those people without air conditioning, cooling stations are being opened, blah blah blah. Okay, what happened one hundred or more years ago is that it got hot. And people died from it. In the winter, it got cold and people froze to death from it. There were no cooling stations, no warming shelters, none of this. My high school didn't even have air conditioning, except for one wing with about six classrooms in it. We sat our asses in class and sweated. We went to gym class and sweated. We ate lunch in a stinky ass cafeteria and sweated. My friends and I always wondered what the equation of students in attendance to students in attendance who puked from the heat had to be before they closed the school.
Better living through chemistry, through science, through whatever. What is really happening here is that people are living longer and it's going to fuck up my Social Security. I didn't realize how the Social Security system worked until my father died. I mean, I had this notion that I worked for most of my adult life, the guv took my money without my consent, saved it for me because I'm too irresponsible to do that for myself, and then when I retire, they dole my shit back out to me until I die. I'm kind of okay with that, except I think I should be able to receive dividends yearly on what you're saving for me, or is that called my tax refund? I don't know. But this is how The System works. Let's just call it what it is, which is The System of Social Welfare. My father worked his entire adult life, minus a couple of years he took off and lived off of his savings, died three weeks after his cancer diagnosis, and his wife, Mothbrain (of the drawable System age), who had also worked intermittently throughout her life, had to decide if she wanted to receive my father's System payments or her own. She couldn't have both because that's not how The System works. If she chose my father's, then his other survivors couldn't claim them (which I wouldn't have because he didn't want to give me shit when he was alive, so I wouldn't take shit when he was dead, other than a few trinkets she thought would be special to me, but that's another story). So she picked his, because his System payments would be higher than hers. I can't fault her for that, especially because she had become accustomed to a certain standard of living. But she will never receive her System payments because they are now being doled out to someone who either isn't working because of a legitimate disability, or someone has never worked a day in their life because they suffer from learned helplessness or just sheer laziness, and there is a difference between learned helplessness and laziness. Trust me on this.
I don't even know where I'm going with this. I know that there are lots of assholes out there robbing us of our fucking money because they don't want to work. I know they are robbing people who are legitimately disabled of receiving more than $500 per month, which you can't fucking live on. I know at the same time that many of these people would not be alive if it were not for modern medicine/science/technology, bullshit, etc. It's this really strange and socially acceptable, yet government mandated, System that we have come to rely upon, but it's not working. Too many people are being failed, because either they do not have what they need, or their gene pool is not thinning down, which is screwing up future generations. It's some strange spiraling cyclical conundrum that we can't get out of, and nothing is improving. I'm not trying to turn this into some political blog because I don't really care enough about politics to make a fuss, because those jackasses are going to do what they want to do regardless.
Did I mention my high school didn't have air conditioning?
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