Okay, that's a total lie. I think we all know I DO NOT love that bastard. I would love for him to stop being a douchebag, is what I would love. I would love for him to just voluntarily pay child support a couple of times a year, as a show of good faith, since I voluntarily did not ask for child support. I would love for him to go to therapy. I mean, it wouldn't do any good, but again - good faith. I would love for him to pay the children's medical copays in advance, especially since the health insurance is paid in advance, and without making me have to ask for reimbursement. I would love, love, love for him to see his children when he is supposed to, and I would love for him to come to their football games, cheerleading events, doctor's visits, school activities and various practices. But I will stop now, because this could just go on and on. And on. And on some more.
He is getting married this weekend coming up. Because this is apparently the best way to celebrate getting a divorce. I had to chuckle tonight, because the older daughter called him on the way home after the football games, and he's out of town - bachelor's weekend, I suppose - and he made a point to tell my older daughter that The Fiancee is lonely at home. First of all, why would you tell your child that? Secondly, I thought to myself, this is just the beginning for this poor woman. She has no idea what she's in store for. I wonder if she knows that he's made an effort on more than one occasion to tell me where the spare key to his house is so I can just stop by when I need to and let myself into their house to get stuff that the children have left over there. Not that I would do that, because that would be the beginning of me being charged with Breaking and Entering, but I have given some thought to just cracking the door ever so slightly and setting a squirrel lose in there. I can only imagine the havoc that would be wreaked by the dog if that happened. I like to fantasize that their house would look kind of like the house in Home Alone, but at the end of the movie.
It's good to dream, I suppose.
The children are dealing with all of this pretty well, and seem to be very excited about the wedding. I, too, am excited. Because if I decide to ever ask for child support, the fact that he makes more money than me and will have a double income will certainly make it easier for me. But for real, I know I probably won't do that. Even though I can, being that his attorney forgot to put the "forever and ever" clause in that part of the divorce agreement and my attorney said we wouldn't mention that it was left out. My greatest concern is that this marriage of his will fall apart in about five years and this woman who my children have gotten so attached to will disappear from their lives. Really, I like her. I like her a hell of a lot more than I like him, and if I had my druthers, I would just deal with her exclusively. This is actually a much better situation than if I didn't like whomever was going to be my children's First Stepmother. Better that I like her than hate her. And that shall be her new blog name, come next week. First Stepmother. Kind of reminds me of my first stepmother, except my children's First Stepmother really is more like my second stepmother, also affectionately known as Mothbrain. I just went back and read that and it sounds a little West Virginny. We'll just wrap it up, then.
1 comment:
Thank god my entertainment is back. I was going into snarkiness withdrawal.
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