But back to homeslice and I. We ended up going to the same college, but he was lucky enough to live on campus and I was not-so-lucky enough to live with my father because he and my mother had basically determined they weren't going to pay for me to live on campus. My choices were Longwood or VCU. I was jealous of homeslice, because he got experience college as it's meant to be experienced, and that's with the view from a dorm window. I got to experience college with a view out of my commuter windshield. We ran into each once or twice that first semester, and I drove him to the bank once, but then headed right back to Farmville when living with my mother became an better option than living with my father. The lesser of two evils, I suppose.
The last time I saw homeslice was 1996-ish, when somehow a bunch of us from high school ended up in the trailer he and some other guys from high school had rented drinking beer and laughing about high school. I got the distinct impression that they were all looking at my T&A and found a reason to leave. Yes, the post-high school years were good for me, developmentally.
I suppose what amazes me about homeslice's writing (and I've tried to go back and read his whole blog, but it's damn near impossible because there's got to be at least a thousand entries on that thing, plus I still haven't read his stuff that's been published. My name is bad friend.) is that he manages to catch the sheer hopelessness, poverty,
I'm definitely going to do the recommendation, but here's the rub. He didn't give me enough time to frantically read up on and research about ten other authors in my mind I'd like to compare him to in my head prior to writing this damn thing, and I can't count on Wikipedia to be reliable for this. Yes, it's reliable for me diagnosing all of my medical problems, but for something this serious - hell to the naw! This program only accepts ten students per year. I did at least get on the school website and do some reading on that. The other, and greater, concern that I have is that I'm going to be the person to dumb this whole process down. Obviously, homeslice is smarter than me. His slice of genius is slightly bigger than my slice of brilliance, which means he's way ahead of me. Seriously, though, I have some serious reservations about me being the retard who accidentally stumbled into the Mensa meeting or something. Something this big, I can't fuck this up. I mean, this is someone's life here, and what if these people look at my letter and they're like, 'That's the dumbest and most ignorant shit we've ever read. Admission denied.' What if I have too many commas? We,all,know,I, have a, thing,for,commas,,,,,. And I don't want to just pull something out of my ass. I'm honored to have even been asked, considering I consider homeslice to be not only smarter than me, but a better writer, too. You don't respect and honor something by just pulling some shit out of your ass. Even though I've had something floating around my head for the past couple of days, I can't let this shit percolate but too long, because the deadline is looming and shit that's over-percolated always taste like, well, shit.
You are over thinking this, but I know, that is your thing. Homeslice would not have asked you to do this if he didn't respect what you do and how you write. Just put on paper what's been percolating in your head and it'll be fine. And I can guarantee that if he doesn't get in, it won't be because of what you wrote. I remember some of Homeslice's writings.
And as for prom, the Peyton Place revelations continue...
I'm sure you're done by now, but just write from the heart. You are a skilled writer (albeit not necessarily literary, thanks god). It will be fine. Trust in his instinct in choosing you.
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