Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm Baaaaackkkkkkk!!!! Well, Maybe

Okay, so my grand plan with this whole online dating thing was that it was going to be this big gigantic social-network-internet-dating-experiment kind of thing, and I would have a variety of different posts that would start out with "Date #1 with Guy #1" and "Date #2 with Guy #4" and "Date #4 with Guy #2" and such and such. In fact, my girlfriends and I even joked that I would end up needing a spreadsheet to keep track of the emails, chats and dates and such. Sort of a mathematized DFL, but without me screwing all of them because that would be kind of trashy.

Has not worked out quite like I planned. Had Date #1 with Guy #1, and he became Guy #1 because he was the first guy who asked me out. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not just going out willy-nilly with anyone, but after emailing and chatting with about five different (maybe more, I can't fucking remember because I had only visualized the spreadsheet at this point) men, none of them had asked me out. Huh???? Okay, why are we emailing and chatting endlessly then? Let's get to the point and go on a damn date. Geez. So Guy #1 asked me out, and well yeah, I said yes. I mean, that's what I'm on this dating site for, right? To meet men that I would not normally meet and to open avenues that I might not travel down in my normal day to day life.

Date #1 with Guy #1. I am intrigued by his personality. This man talks more than I do. Holy shit. But it's all good and like I said, I'm intrigued. So this led to Date #2 with Guy #1. My plan is that I am still going to date other guys, but still... no one is asking me. Okay, come on, fellas, I don't want to have to be the one asking. Chivalry is not dead in my book. Take the lead on this one. Date #2, even more intrigued. We have a lot in common and I'm pretty sure he likes me for me. Hmmmm, strange. He doesn't know me yet, because that's all this can be, is confusion on his part. This led to Date #3 with Guy #1, because I'm even more intrigued and attracted at this point.

The spreadsheet plan has fallen by the wayside because at this point, I'm thinking that I really like this guy, he's very nice to me, still talks as much as I do, and hasn't been scared off by my tales of woe and marital separation and panic attacks. Veeeeeeery interesting. He might get the essence that is Steph.

So this is where I stand right now, and this is why I've been neglecting my blog to death. It's hard to blog and troll around on the internet for freakshows when I'm gabbing on the phone late at night like a little high school girl, or holding hands in the movie theater. I've looked at my blog wistfully, and read a few snarky comments left by my loyal friends and family screaming about needing their blog fix... and I'm thinking, FUCK! Let a girl get laid!

I know I said stay tuned sometime last month, and by God, I meant it. While I've been running around with Guy #1 (and the only guy at this point), I've also been dealing with Mrs. Second Grade Teacher, cheerleading (oh my god will this shit ever end?), The Ex and life in general. My oldest daughter's birthday is coming up this weekend, and I've planned a family dinner with at our favorite Japanese steakhouse with the soon-to-be-ex-laws, my children and one of their little friends, The Ex and his girlfriend. I'm going to start calling her The Girlfriend. She deserves her own special capitalization at this point. So yeah, I'm doing that whole family dinner thing this weekend, because I need to prove to my children that Mommy is okay with all of this shit and whatever Daddy has told them is a bunch of shit. Cue the soundtrack to The Twilight Zone.
Stay tuned, bitches. I will be back.


eksh said...

All I can say is "Ahhhh, that felt good." Thanks for the booster on my blog jones. Now, for the rest of the story...

Tracey Livesay said...

Does the three date rule still apply? Will you get laid, have the newness wear off and then get back to the blogging?