Saturday, March 12, 2011

Not So Stupid Stuff in My Head

Yes, it's true. In addition to the stupid stuff in my head, I also have not so stupid stuff in my head. Here goes:

The Japanese Tsunami - I've had to call a moratorium on my news boycott for this one. I think this is because of our perverse desire to see horrific things happen to other people, ala rubbernecking. Really, that's all the news is, electronic rubbernecking, which is one reason why I don't watch the news. At this point in time, I probably won't donate any money, because I don't have any extra money to give, but if I change my mind it will be solely because I know the Japanese are pretty self-sufficient and won't immediately begin to demand foreign aid and then when the foreign aid is sent, they won't bitch about why didn't we send more. I think the ability to survive the first nuclear holocaust has proven them to be self-sufficient, and so, I'll wait to see what happens. For some reason this whole thing just kind of reinforces in my mind how dangerous cruise ships are what with rogue waves and such. I fully expect that the liberal media organizations in our country will find a way to blame the tsunami on our last President. Other than that, I'm annoyed that all of the major news channels on cable seem to have somehow managed to synchronize their commercials, because my plan of action last night was to watch a channel until a commercial came on, and then flip to the next channel and repeat. But they all had commercials on at the same time. Damnit! You are messing up my non-stop coverage. I'm also somewhat disappointed about how the news has been dumbed down, or maybe it's always been dumbed down for the masses and I'm just smarter than the average person. I mean, who doesn't know what the Ring of Fire is? Or maybe this is just a filler. Of course, I was always amazed when I would watch one of the late shows and they did "Man on the Street" kind of interviews where they would stop random people on the street and ask them the most basic of questions, like "Do you know what the Holocaust was or name the current Speaker of the House" And some of those people didn't know.

5.3 - This is the rating that was given to my blog by the editors of the blog site I recently signed my blog up on. You submit your blog for approval, and then professional editors review it for approval and also rate it. I'm a 5.3. I don't really have a problem being reviewed for content and appropriateness, but I'm a little annoyed with my end result. Specifically, I was rated on frequency of updates, relevance of content, site design, and writing style. Okay, I had a four month period of time when I didn't post. Sorry. Was working on the love life, not the write life. Relevance of content - probably the most subjective category, because people will blog about anything. I think the food blogs are the most annoying (and gay) to me. Who actually reads that tripe? Site design - sorry, I don't want to post a 350 word post about a finding a new restaurant in the city, and I don't want my blog to look like some fancy news magazine. I've come across a couple of good blogs to follow (that are highly rated) even though I wasn't really looking to begin with, but the writing is too short and leaves me with too many unanswered questions, and the sites look more like something a fancy ad agency has created. I just think that too much visual clutter takes away from the writing and is distracting, and if you're not going to write much, what's the point in having a blog anyway? Writing content - Yes, I know I'm not for everyone. But if someone can't get my writing and enjoy it, that's probably someone I wouldn't want to hang out with to begin with. Personally, I rate myself at precisely 8.798432. A suggestion on another site was to turn your blog posts into e-readers, which I may look into when I'm not feeling so internetically lazy. That might actually be more appropriate since I actually write versus blurt, which I think most blogs should be called. Blurts, because that's about all there is.

What is up with my daughter? - This is my weekend without my children. I feel like we've really settled into a great routine, all things considered. Summer is fast approaching and I really don't know how I will function without them being with me full time. I feel the anxiety creeping up on my slowly, but I know it will start to increase more and more the closer we get for them to go live with their father during the summer. My own personal tsunami of anxiety, to use a horrible analogy. I put them on the bus in our neighborhood yesterday and told them I would see them later today at the cheerleading banquet. My older daughter has started to pull away from me a little bit in public because she's getting to that age where it's not cool to hug and kiss your mom in public. We went to the school skate night earlier in the month and it was the best skate night ever for me, because she wanted to hold hands skating around the rink. But anyway, she won't let me give her hugs or kisses when we say goodbye in public and she generally acts relieved to be getting away from me. So imagine my surprise when she called last night. Generally, on a Friday night that she's with The Ex, I am the last thing on her mind so we don't talk on the phone. I know she needs her time with her father without me calling, especially when I just saw her that morning. But something was wrong last night. She was quiet and I could feel something wasn't right through the phone. When I asked what was wrong, she just said in the littlest voice ever, "I just miss you.", and then she started crying. Which immediately made me want to cry. This is not her norm. I don't know what happened, other than The Ex took the children over to the cheer coach's house to pack up pies for the sale at the cheerleading banquet, but I wondered if there was some bad-mouthing of Mommy going on, or if something else had happened. Of course she wouldn't be able to say because I could hear The Ex clearing his throat periodically through the phone so I know he was sitting right beside her. That motherfucker just cannot respect anyone's privacy. I told her we would find a quiet corner at the banquet to talk this afternoon and just have some Mommy-older daughter time for hugs and kisses. I absolutely hate that she has to go through this.

Best click ever - This is what Guy #1 told me last night, right before he gave me an awesome shadow puppet lip-synching show on the ceiling of my bedroom backlit by his cell phone. Keep in mind that we met on a dating site, and really, out of the eighty bazillion mouse clicks I've ever made, he might be my best click, too. I wish we could get paid a penny for every click because then I wouldn't have to worry about trying to find somewhere to get affordable tires and figure out how in the hell to pay for them. But that's neither here nor there. I think he's starting to get worried that I haven't introduced him to any of my friends or family, but I don't see them that often. My life is wrapped up in my children - I don't have time for much else, unless it's on facebook. I haven't seen one of my best girlfriends since the summer, the other one at Christmas, and I don't think I've seen any of my family other than my mother since Christmas. Holy bejesus, where does time go? But yeah, I like knowing that I'm the best click ever.


eksh said...

You are not imagining the dumbing down of the news. The state of literacy in our country is scary, and it's astounding how ignorant much of the populace is. There's a great sci-fi short story called "The Marching Morons" (can't remember the author) that predicts the direction we're going in. Those of us who know things will be doomed to take care of the remaining morons.

Oh, and you did see some of us at UofR (but just the once). Post-Christmas is a nesting time till Spring.

Steph said...

I found the short story you mentioned. I'll read it later this afternoon. It's amazing what Google has done to make my life easier. Research, take-out places and online ordering, cyberstalking. It's all good, baby.