The Dog - The dog will be here until Saturday morning. No more crapping in the house (yet) and the children are still enjoying her. My older daughter and I were in our usual reading spot tonight on my bed and imagine my surprise when the dog came running into the room with one of the older daughter's stuffed animals and immediately began to hump it. I had to laugh, because I knew what the dog was doing, and my older daughter did not. Whew! That dog on that stuffed animal, but it was cool because I understand that level of frustration. Not now (thank you, Guy #1) but I can feel where the dog is coming from. My older daughter asked why the dog kept bouncing around on her stuffed rabbit, and I could only say that she must just want to play (yep, that's what I call it, too). All was fine until the younger daughter started screaming about that was HER rabbit and she did NOT give permission for the older daughter to give the rabbit to the dog. And there we have it. Full blown bedtime drama. Shit. And even more screaming and crying when the younger daughter realized there was some dog spit on the rabbit. And then crying and sobbing from the older daughter claiming that she didn't know the rabbit belonged to the younger daughter and now the younger daughter is blaming her. Oooooohhhh, I have got to get these children in the bed.
Mrs. Second Grade Teacher - This woman has gotten on my last nerve, and then done it one more time. Wednesday = envelope day. Today's envelope was at least better than last weeks envelope grades. Two reading tests - one was scored at 100 (way to fucking go!) and one was scored at 56. Huh? How does that work? Does the teacher not see the freaking dichotomy here? Does the teacher even know what dichotomy means? What the hell is going on in that classroom anyway? And then some kind of rubric assignment on Ancient Egypt, which accompanied the Ancient Egypt test. The test score was 83, so that was good. The rubric score was a 70-something. Apparently the class worked on this booklet of information about ancient Egypt, and two of those days were when my older daughter was out sick. I asked my daughter about it and she said that the class worked on the booklet when she was out sick and she didn't get a chance to finish it because she wasn't given extra time. Mrs. Second Grade Teacher's name is about to become Mrs. Trick Ass Bitch Teacher. If that's true, if my older daughter was graded down because she was OUT SICK and wasn't given an opportunity to finish the work, then I have a huge fucking problem of the "I need to meet with this bitch's supervisor because that is just fucked up" sort. Honestly, the more notes I write this woman and the more phone calls I have with this cunt (yes, I know that's an extreme word to use here, but I have had it), the worse it gets. I'm beginning to think some of this grading is retaliatory in nature. I actually started to think that in January, but I didn't want to make that claim because I know that my perception of this woman is incredibly skewed. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Again. Apparently that was my mistake. So another note will be sent to the teacher tomorrow requesting yet another phone call and if I don't like what comes out of the phone call (and I'm sure I won't) then I'm just going to call someone fucking else.
The Ex - I sent him an email last week letting him know that the older daughter has her follow up appointment with the orthodontist tomorrow. We went last March, and were given a one year pass of the wait and see variety. Well, a year has passed and the child has not lost one additional tooth. In fact, her teeth look like they've shifted into an even more uncomfortable position. The older daughter will need braces, because she got my teeth. By the time I was in fourth grade, I could have eaten corn through a tennis racket. Yes, it was really that bad. But my older daughter has it worse, because she has a cross bite and an over bite. Anyway, the email I got back from the The Ex asked where the orthodontist office was because he forgot. I mean, he was only there in person last year when the older daughter went. Of course he forgot. I emailed back and said it was at the dentist's office, adjoining. He emailed back and asked where that was. Holy fuck, are you kidding me? It's the same goddamn dentist he goes to. I guess that means he hasn't had his teeth cleaned since I moved out last April and stopped nagging him to take care of himself and make use of the dental insurance we had. I am so glad not to be in charge of his health anymore. He wouldn't go to the doctor for a checkup until I begged, and then wouldn't get the prescription for the high cholesterol medication filled until I begged, and then wouldn't take the medication unless I reminded him every day. Fine. Have a fucking heart attack. He wouldn't go to the dentist unless I begged, and blamed it on his childhood exposure to Navy dentists. Fine. Have all your teeth fall out. Ironically, he wanted to go to marital counseling about two years (or maybe it was three or four years, who knows?) before I dropped the bomb and I refused. I said it wasn't worth the co-pay and wasn't worth me taking time off of work for. He insisted again after I dropped the divorce bomb that we should go to counseling, and I said again it wasn't worth the co-pay or my effort, but he could feel free to go and see a therapist on his own. Enter The Girlfriend. Who is now dating someone with clogged arteries and not-so-clean teeth. Have at it, Girlfriend. Literally. But it will be interesting to see what the orthodontist has to say. I predict oral surgery to remove some teeth and then wait and see what happens.
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