Monday, September 27, 2010

Freakshow of the Day

ladies, I'm seeking a woman to join m efor a little adult fun in an adult theatre booth.

Oh my god, do people still do this? Every time I come across something like this, I think about what complete naive moron I must be. I didn't know there were any of these places left in Richmond. I know there are a couple of adult bookstores left, but I didn't think they had those adult theaters in them. I mean, I always assumed that the internet would slowly be the death of those places. Kind of like how Amazon is slowly but surely knocking out the big box book stores.

One of the adult bookstores in Richmond, I think it's still open, is niftily named the Triangle Bookstore. Get it? I like the pretend the person who named that place will also open a little dive diner and name it The Y, or even better, The Why. Because that would be funny as shit to the people who get it, and those would probably be the people who remember the old Lee Theater, which was an adult theater on a block of Grace Street right next to VCU, so they had the element of maybe a little bit more high-falutin' clientele, or at least being able to claim they were right next to a major university. Of course, back in the day, Grace Street was grimy as shit, but it was part of the college, for better or worse, kind of like that one slimeball cousin everyone has who might end up on America's Most Wanted someday.

But back to the post of discussion, I don't know why anyone would want to go and hook up at one of these places. Disgusting and nothing but disgusting. Maybe the guy who posted this has been watching the news and knows that this is apparently a bumper crop year for bedbugs. I don't know. I saw a post on craigslist one night, imagine that, right in the middle of the casual encounters section, and it was the bedbug alert. Nice! Someone had been kind enough to link to a website where all of the hotels with bedbug problems are listed. I checked that website out, too, and some of them were pretty nice hotels. I spent a few minutes hoping that The Ex would end up at one of those places on his business travels, but that might mean that the bedbugs would immigrate to the children's bedrooms, and then hitch a ride over here, and then, uh oh. So maybe I'll just hope his girlfriend ends up at one of these hotels on her business travels. I guess if I add an extra link in the chain that will make it harder for the bedbugs to reach me. My grandmother used to tell me stories about when my grandfather was stationed in the Aleutian Islands, and they lived in a Quonset hut, and how bad the bedbugs were up there. I don't know if she was talking about actual bedbugs-bedbugs, or just bugs in general, but I always think about that when I hear about bedbugs.

I just went back and re-read the whole post on craigslist. I didn't cut-and-paste the whole thing, because it got a little explicit, and I figured the first sentence was all the ammunition I needed anyway, but this guy is available up until five o'clock today. Because that would be what time he needs to get home to his wife and kids in suburbia, I assume. Geez. I probably need to stop looking at this crap, because this is what's going to make me never date again--fear of ending up with one of these jackasses.

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